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MassMutual refers to Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company. Ira Hermann CA Insurance Newport Beach, CA 92660.  Newport Beach, CA 92660 MassMutual Financial Group is a marketing name for Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) and its  Capstone Partners Financial and Insurance Services Overview. Website Headquarters Newport Beach, CA. Size 201 to 500  28 years with Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual). willing to guide an agency and later a company to market investment vehicles to Supervisory Office: 4695 MacArthur Court, Suite 1000, Newport Beach, CA  Newport Group is a leading provider of retirement plans, corporate insurance and consulting services—with more than one million plan participants nationwide. The company is ok. There are a lot of helpful and knowledgeable people in the industry that are available to guide and mentor you. This is not an out of college 

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